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Well you made it this far, so I must be doing something right. Now to keep you entertained long enough to read about my artistic life. I started my college career off as a computer science nerd. Going into college, I thought creating programs was what I wanted to do. Well, it only took a year but I finally discovered how wrong computer science was for me and switched to majoring in art. I've had a lot of bumps in my artistic road, as most artists do. As I grew over the years, I learned to take those road bumps and convert them into artwork. My goal was to portray my struggles in life hoping that those viewing my artwork could avoid or get around the same struggles in their own life. My major problem was with depression which is where I got the idea for my Seeing Depression with the Naked Eye series. If even one person tells me that my artwork has helped them, then I have done my job as an artist and a fellow human being.

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